Sunday, March 25, 2012

to use if e-mailing someone annoying

-10, J

V was just on her free vacation -- I haven't heard about it yet, but my guess is that it was pretty awesome.

On the topic of awesome things, here is something that you should use if you have to e-mail someone that's annoying:

(let's be clear: the method described at the above link is not used in whole or in part in this blog)

Monday, March 12, 2012


-10, J

Texts I got last night included the following phrases:
  • #winning #fridaysrock
  • Challenge Accepted
  • Let's get married
Drunk texts are one of my favourite things. 

+10, V

This week I got my hair 'did. It took 3 hours. Totally worth it. SO MANY people love it, because it's super hot and it is so ready for Cancun!  I cannot believe I am leaving on the 17th.  I also now got a pedicure and a shallac manicure.

Who is watching the Bachelor finale tonight???? I hate you Courtney!

-10, J

Just wanted to check: If someone tells you that what you're wearing looks "really comfortable" that means I look like a slob, right?