Thursday, June 23, 2011

Unplanned hiatus

We're so sorry and blah blah blah about not posting.

-10, J

I recently celebrated my birthday with a bunch of friends and champagne and dancing at the club, it was excellent. Soon I head out on my very first train trip to visit a friend and spend some time at the cabin...the work day always seems longer when a vacation is so close.

My Harry Potter summer is off to an excellent start. Last night I finished book 2 (only 5 more to go!...there are 7...right?).

V and I saw Water for Elephants this week. I'd recommend it.


Okay, so besides Macho Man Randy Savage dying, Sean Kingston has got into a sea doo accident, Ryan Dunn from Jackass has died, and Zsa Zsa Gabor drank Champagne on hear deathbead to celebrate her husbands 68th birthday.

Now real life... Still walking to work and getting faster every day.  I have met a new person who is a Chef!  That's right a Chef!  For those of you who know me personally know why this is such a big deal... I am not much of a cook and don't like touching raw chicken at all!  Just friends right now and seeing if there is more there.  Will definitely keep you posted.

Not sure if I told you about the new game I learned a few weekends ago... Beer darts, that's right just like it sounds.  You shake up a beer can and the other team throws a dart in it and then you have to shotgun it.  I don't recommend using lime beer for this as it takes a while to get a dart in the can and sometimes the beer gets warm.

I will probably not drink lime beer again this summer!  Hope I have more exciting news to tell you soon :)