Friday, May 20, 2011

Another Celebrity Gone!!!

Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you guys but I just found out that Macho Man Randy Savage is DEAD!  (He was a wrestler for all you -10's)

What tragic news to get on a Friday of a long weekend!  Other than that, nothing to report except it is now supposed to RAIN ALL WEEKEND.... BOO!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wow... It sure has been a long time!

+10, V

It sure has been crazy around here lately!!!

So sorry for not updating in such a long time.  Things have been really busy at work.  Nothing exciting has happened in my personal life, however on Friday, May 6 I had the best night ever partying with a bunch of twenties in my home town.  Have you ever played Beer Pong?

We had a tournament in someones garage, which is really not a garage it is more like a pimped out man cave.  I had just arrived to see my sister and ten minutes later I was paired up with a hippy looking twenty something from BC to play Beer Pong.  Seriously so fun!  I will definitely play that again.

When I say nothing has been going on in my personal life, I mean NOTHING!  I have now been living in this province for almost a year and only one thing happened to me and that was meeting that stupid idiot which I had to counsel.  Not a great year!

Anyway, I have been walking to and from work and feel really great about that.  -10, J and I still keep our Starbucks Friday traditions though, so I don't walk that morning.  This weekend is a long weekend and again I really don't have anything exciting planned.  I was going to go camping but that fell through and it is now supposed to rain anyway.  I think I will go back to my hometown and do some afternoon patio time with my sisters.  Hopefully there will be another matchup of Beer Pong!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We feel terrible...

-10, J

Correspondence isn't supposed to begin with an apology, so I'll save that for the middle somewhere.

Everything has been crazy busy lately. I don't even remember what was all going on the last time we posted, but I'll just pick up from right where I'm at and hope that you can keep up.

Last weekend I celebrated Easter with family there was a lot of food and it was lovely.

I also ended up with a sun burn after lying in the sun. Note to self: never forget sun screen.

This summer I have issued myself a challenge: To read the entire Harry Potter series and then have a Harry Potter movie marathon. I read the first book for an English class in university, but never got into the whole thing, since the final film in the series comes out this summer I think it's about time I jump on the bandwagon. Does anyone have book 1 for me to borrow?

Work has been busier than ever. I sort of hate it. But today is ok. I'm sorry for not posting more often, my bad.