Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gobble Gobble

-10, J

Why isn't every weekend three days long? It's so much better to have that extra day.

Went out to my friend's cabin for Saturday night -- so relaxing, so nice to get out of the city. Autumn is a really beautiful time of year.

On HP movie #4. The first 2 were really hard to get through and I ended up watching them in clips because I got so bored. They're getting better. I'm noticing more plot holes as I watch the movies. Honestly, who keeps polyjuice potion around in the massive quantitites that would be necessary to impersonate Mad Eye for an entire school year? I mean, come on.

+10, V

Felt like I was a -10 on Saturday night when I played drinking games and ended up throwing up...a lesson that my +10 self should have learned by now.

Randomly yelled at some people (in a funny way though. promise). Got mad at some kid for not knowing my name...then called him by the wrong name...

Ended up watching Bonanza with my grandma on Friday night...felt more like a ++10.

Made my first Turkey dinner with my sister, totally lucked out by not having to stick my hand in the turkey. I think she felt bad for me because I'd thrown up the night before.

This weekend I have a wedding to go to. Still need to find a halloween costume.

Friday, October 7, 2011


+10, V

What's 7.5' tall, makes me giddy, and can be purchased at Costco for $114.95 (+taxes)?

MY NEW CHRISTMAS TREE. That's right, the Show Stopper this year is going to be bigger than ever. I'll post pics when it's up. Speaking of which, any guesses as to when that will be? Last year it was early November...but I'm not sure I can wait that long I'm so excited!!

Fortune Telling

-10, J

Last week V ate some timbits on Friday morning and nearly all afternoon I heard things like "Why did you let me eat those?" "Oh, I feel so sick" ... et cetera. You would think that seven short days later she'd remember the cause and effect situation but it's only 8:21am and she's already had one. I'm predicting a repeat of last week, and will take video footage as proof.

Off to a cabin this weekend -- the weather has been fantastic and getting out of the city will be great.

+10, V

Goin' to Mo-town this weekend...probably play some drinking games. My sisters and I are going to try to cook a Thanksgiving meal (unsupervised)...probably won't work out.

27 sleeps before my b-day (still plenty of time to get me a gift).

Still need to find a halloween costume -- any original suggestions would be great.

Did a self-diagnosed detox for the past few weekends and kept things low key. Did a massive clean of my apartment after drinking pepsi too late in the evening. Living the dream.

Question: would you date someone who is missing an appendage? (no, not the really important one)